Diwstores.com.ng is Nigeria’s Online Shopping destination. We pride ourselves in delivering quality products, Trendy Accessories, Trendy Bags, Trendy Gowns, Fragrances and lots more with affordable price value. This was achievable based on our access to Manufacturers and premium sellers who gave us a variety of products at very low prices. Our popular categories include fashion, beauty, accessories and a whole lot more from premium brands.

To make your shopping experience memorable and swift, we added services like gift vouchers, discounted coupons, consumer promotion activities across different categories and bulk purchases with hassle-free delivery. You will also enjoy free shipping rates for certain products. You will enjoy discounted prices when you shop in our store, you can pay with a debit card and other means of payment available on the platform. Get the best of online services and don’t miss out on the biggest sales online that takes place on special dates yearly. Our priority is the aim of satisfaction for the consumers.

Diw Stores

Client Name
: DiwStores Limited
: Business Website
Start Date
: Dec 03, 2021
End Date
: Mar 28, 2022
: In Progress